Construct an instance of RandAA with initial size initSize. * initSize determines the amount of slots pre-allocated.
Allows for deleting the contents of the array manually, if supported * by the GC.
Does not allocate. Returns a simple forward range.
Iterate over keys, values in lockstep.
Returns null if index is not found.
Throws a KeyError on unsuccessful key search.
Removes an element from this. Elements *may* be removed while iterating * via .keys.
Does not allocate. Returns a simple forward range.
An associative array class that uses randomized probing and open addressing. K is the key type, V is the value type, storeHash determines whether the hash of each key is stored in the array. This increases space requirements, but allows for faster rehashing. By default, the hash is stored unless the array is an array of floating point or integer types.